OOTD - Introduction to me!
Kind of a bit crumpled and creased as I helped my mum get set off to her new house today after having her stay with us for the last 6 odd weeks, but thought it was about time I bit the bullet and took a photo of myself.
Now I have to point out that we have been in the house a while but it needs so much work done that it is a total mess, as you can see by the paint work, so I will try to take more photos outside on nice days. x
You can almost make out my pooch Poppy looking at me like im mad, we also have toby so ill add a couple of pictures on now as they will no doubt invade most of my pictures!
Dress was brought from Evans sale last week for £10 and leggings are from Debenhams.
The first picture is poppy our 5 yr old staff x G. Shepherd and the next is out 2 yr old staff x Collie they can usually be found sitting all over me so will no doubt make a few appearances.
Now for a little bit of background and an idea of what you might find on my blog.
I have been plus size for about the last 10 years and have found out that I am unable to concieve children naturally but due to my weight I can not have IVF until I reach there healthy weight, so you may find the odd rant about how much I hate diets and salads, sorry!
When I was at school I was between a size 8 and a 10 when I left for college but due to a few mean comments and my own self esteem I honestly saw myself as about a size 16 I often bought clothing too big for me because i believed it was the size I needed.
Now that I am fat I never really see myself as fat, I am just me, my husband loves me and is happy when I am happy so my weight loss is for my health and fertility not because I hate myself. ( although I do get those days!)
I am going to try to post some outfits and my wish lists but I will also include some of my photography as it is my passion and makes me happy.
Mhairi. xxxx
Please Enjoy.
Your dogs are gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteI didn't realise there was a weight requirement for IVF. I know i've been told due to my polycystic ovaries that I will have a hard time falling pregnant, and losing weight would help that, but I didn't know that about IVF. Something I should keep in mind. Not that I am trying.
I love the dress you're wearing, total bargain score! I love your hair too!
My doggies are my babies! lol They are both total nut jobs but couldn't be without them :)
ReplyDeleteIn the uk they wont offer you IVF on the NHS unless you are within a healthy weight range, I have all the symptoms of polycystic ovaries but no cysts atm, for me it means loosing about 5 stone, which is a terrifying amount but it has to be done at some point.
I have been looking at the dress since it was full price and kept changing my mind but when i saw it in my size for £10 i just couldn't resist any longer and it is so so comfortable!
My hair drives me nuts, lol only recently decided it wants to be curly, so still figuring it out, lol
Yay I finally loged in!
ReplyDeleteYou look great and the puppies look so sute!
I totally get the diet thing about health and not about looking 'pretty' in skinny jeans, I decided to take control of myself when I started getting worried about my health, I think it's my time which is one of the reasons i'm finding it easy this time round.
If you want to rant you know where I am, I could do with a salad and chocolate rant myself lol!
Sounds like you got a bit of a journey ahead of you, I think blogging will sort out the chaos thats going to accompany you sometimes.
I look forward to reading your next blog xx :D