Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Fatshion Faceoff - Playsuit/jumpsuit

This weeks Fatshion Faceoff was chosen by me, I really want to find a playsuit/ Jumpsuit that works for me, being very short and carrying a lot of weight on my middle at the moment.

I ordered this from Dorothy perking a while ago and I do love the shape and colour of it, but alas, it still isn't quite right for me but being brave, thought I should still show you all my look.

Excuse the state of our lawn, the dogs have destroyed it, we are planning on laying more paving up there for next year and fill it with beautiful pots and furniture :)

Think this will be added to my to sell pile would be much better on some one much taler than me, it feels gorgeous on, its lovely and silky.

My hunt for the perfect jumpsuit continues, hopefully the other ladies can give me some inspiration, head on over to see how they have styled this weeks challenge!

Dani: DIY Fatshion
Hanna: The Wardrobe Challenge
Mouna: Brussels Fatshion
Olivia: Wait Until The Sunset



  1. Hey, I found your blog through the fatshion faceoff and I just wanted to tell you that I think the jumpsuit looks great on you! Of course, it is always about how we feel in the clothes, but if I were you, I wouldn't sell it!

    1. Hi Noelle, Thank you so much for the comment, still cant decide about this jumpsuit, will try it out a few more times to see how I feel :) xx

  2. Personally, I think the jumpsuit looks good on you! I feel similar with jumpsuits, i'm still on the hunt for 'the perfect one'.

    1. I think it is partly that its is not something I am used to wearing, I dont even were trousers that often and usually just jeans, but maybe it will grow on me :) x

  3. OMG mhziri

    you look heavenly gorgeous.
    I have to say you have beautiful eyes
    i really like the second picture ;-) xxx

  4. No, I think this jumpsuits suits you so much! you should of course keep it and wear it more often, and why not buy similar ones like this since the shape and cut fits perfect on you! (:

    1. So many lovely positive comments, maybe I need to let it grow on me :) xx

  5. I think it looks awesome on you!! I love it! xxx

    1. Aww thats so lovely thank you, im trying it on a few more times :) x

  6. Sell? HELL NO. You look totally AMAZING in this!!! Sorry for being so late in my commenting (grrrrr work getting in the way of my blog stuff! lol), but seriously.. I LOVE IT. It suits your body perfectly, and like Mouna said, the second pic is absolutely beautiful <3 <3 <3
