Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Fatshion Faceoff - Bodycon Dress

This week has given me serious fear, I am coming along the road to accepting myself and being happy in the skin I am in but I still do not particularly like myself in a Bodycon dresses, I am a lover of circle skirts and dresses so this challenge was a little worrying!

The amazing Hanna has lent me a dress for this weeks challenge so I can try it without committing to it if I am not keen! this is a great way to try new fashions to be honest, trying them in the shop is great but i like to wear something and move about in it a while to see how I actually feel, so if you have good friends who can let you come over for a dress us session go for it, give it a whirl and you might be surprised and find something new to search out in the shops and wear with love!

So here I am in the dress.
Please excuse the quality of this weeks picture and the lovely location have been busy with first assignment for my course.
I love my dog Ron's face even he knows when I am not sure, I love the dress so so much but felt odd wearing it as I am just not at all used to it, but maybe with some better bridgett Jones' on I might feel better.

The dress is from Simply be and is the one Hanna wore on the simply be catwalk, I couldn't find the exact one online but THIS is a similar shape but in a gorgeous red

Don't forget to check out the other fabulous ladies in their outfits!

Dani: DIY Fatshion
Hanna: The Wardrobe Challenge
Mouna: Brussels Fatshion

Olivia: Wait Until The Sunset 



  1. Hi!!!!! Nice to meet you anf follow you by now! I am a spanish xxl blogger, please vivit my blog and follow me if you like it!


    1. Thank you Eve I shall pop over and take a look later today. x

  2. Oh my lady - YOU LOOK GORGEOUS! (Btw here's the link to the dress:,size: ) That dress makes your silhouette absolutely HOT. I love it on you, I do <3

    1. Thank you gorgeous, I will update the post asap with the link. x

  3. I think it suits you, you look really good. :)

  4. WOAH you look AMAZING!!!! You must wear more bodycon from now on! <3

    1. lol, Not sure about that, you havent seen the side view :)

    2. Did you see my sideview at Plus North lady? This dress looks so much better on you than on me! <3 <3

    3. You looked sexy as hell my lovely, my sticky out bum made me smile in this :)

  5. OMG!!! This is such an AMAZING look on you babe!! You should wear this more often- so so gorgeous!! Can I buy you a drink?? ;) xx

  6. hi, you look great it definitely suits you, the thing about bodycon dresses is that they really need to be your size and not be too tight and then they look great and so comfy. I have also started a fatshion blog if you have a minute please have a look
    thanks Patxx

    1. Hi patty, thank you, I have been over and followed your blog, you look fab! x

  7. How comes you got the perky boobies and I got the overladen shopping bags? :(

    You do look gorgeous in it! XXX

    1. I am guessing this is Claire :-D what can I say :) im sorry, lol

    2. Aye, it's me! It's supposed to be my aim thingy! Grr! :D

      Loving the shoes, btw! These and your new pumps! xxx

  8. weel you should wear this kind a dress more often cause i think it fit you marvelously!!!
