Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Fatshion Faceoff - Scarf

A Scarf

This weeks selection was made by the lovely Mouna of Brussels Fatshion and we are working with accessories this week namely a Scarf.

Unfortunately I only own one scarf that is for wearing with a dress or top, the rest are really for wearing over a coat, so I have improvised, to show you the reasons why scarves can be a brilliant addition to your wardrobe and why I will soon be adding many more to my collection.

Today I am wearing a lovely dress which I bought from the lovely Kathryn of MissKathryns Miss Takes, It is a a gorgeous spotty dress, the scarf I have is not a good match for this dress and I will be getting a green or black one to wear with it, but I will have to make do with what I have for now. 

Scarves can be a life saver to any outfit, this dress is particularly booby and has a tendency to gape, I wear a vest under this most of the time, but a scarf is a good way to make the dress more work or daytime friendly.

I really would like to find a lovely green scarf which will work well with the green spots.

Well I apologise for the outfit not being fully put together but I am pleased with the look overall and will love it once i have found the right green scarf.

Go check out the other gorgeous ladies in the Fatshion Faceoff crew I am sure the look utterly fabulous as always. 


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you for the comment, my blogger swallowed it up, but thank you for the blog love. X

  2. Scarves are wonderful. They can add so much to any outfit. ^^v
    I have an obsession with them..also because I always catch cold,
    even in summertime if I don`t wear one. xD But lovely things they are.
    And you look stunning in that dress! ^^<3 Love the spotty print. ^^d

    1. I think I am a convert :) and I a loving the dress :)

  3. This scarf is rad! I've never seen anything like this one!! :) xx

    1. Haha thank you hun, it was a freebie from Simplybe press event. xx

  4. I've never gone for scarves (get just too hot) so couldn't have saved the dress with a scarf!

    So nice to see that it has gone to a loving home xx

    1. Ah well, I tend to wear a scarf on all but the hottest days at the moment, but this scarf in particular is irritating because of the material as it is a bit scratchy so i will be looking for a much softer green one :)

  5. hey lol
    µalmost used the sazme scarf funny!!
    Love the dress its really beautiful!!
    Curious what you'll choose for next week xxx

    1. haha, Would have been interesting to see it on another person, I had a whole other outfit planned but couldnt find the skirt I had planned to wear :) xx

  6. I like how you wore that scarf like a tie! It's got a really cute print to it too!

    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
    the shop of worldly delights
