Thursday, 22 November 2012

Simply Be Review - Clothing the Generations

Whilst speaking with Simply Be about there upcoming campaigns the very kindly offered to send myself and my mum something to review each, as part of my posts on plus size retailers who cater to multiple generations of women and do it well.

Simply Be for me are one of the best retailers currently out there who do this well, as I discussed in the previous post HERE, most shops are aimed at a particular customer but with plus size retailers we do not often have the luxury of choice and have to find what we can, and although things are getting better it can still sometimes be a frustration.

But I find simply be offer such a wide variety of options that there really is something for everyone, young old, conservative, wild, funky, you name it you can probably find something and this is a breath of fresh air for most of us.

we decided to order a jacket/ coat each that suited our personalities and styles.

First up my mum, she went for a coat and took it on its first outing to the wedding we attended last week, below is her choice.

The colour is stunning, my mum always looks lovely in strong colours! she loved the little PU strips between the blue and black too, when it arrived she fell in love with it.

Mums model pose :) 

She has asked me to tell you that this coat is the snuggliest and most lovely coat, she loves it, it feels amazing and it being machine washable is a huge bonus.
It gets a huge mum thumbs up!

My choice was a jacket, I have been wanting something dressy that I can wear with jeans or dresses on a night out, as soon as I saw the Changes by Together Tailored Jacket I knew I was in love!

I love the sequin embroidery and the classic style of the jacket, it looks gorgeous with jeans and as you can see equally lovely with my dress at the wedding last week.
I am going to find a tailor to take it in a t the side just a little for me as to fit my bust I get left with a bit of space at the waist but it isn't enough to make a huge difference, just for my comfort!

The detail on the jacket is just beautiful, its is totally gorgeous, and while the £99.50 price is quite high the beauty of this jacket means I would pay it and it has so many uses I fell it is worth it.

Simply be have some amazing options at the moment and me and mum can each find so many items that we love.

Thank you to the wonderful Jessica and team. 

Go take a look HERE for yourself!

Mhairi and Mum

Disclaimer: These items were gifted to me, but all opinions are my own.


  1. I really love your jacket- especially with that lovely wedding outfit! I love the embroidery to it. :)

  2. You and your mom have really great taste in clothes, I can tell by the way you choose your jackets. You're looking fabulous in it too as well as your mom.
